Tag Archives: Reality TV

My Call from NBC


“I’m a comedian first. I’ve learned how to act. I just draw on life experiences and that’s how I’ve learned. I didn’t take classes or anything. I don’t need no classroom.” ~ Steve Harvey

I was sitting in Pizza Parlor having dinner with my cousin, Pollyana, when my cell rang. I didn’t answer because I didn’t recognize the number so I let voicemail pick-up. If it’s important they’ll leave a message, if not oh well. I heard my little beep go off indicating they left a message.

(Don’t pay attention to the beginning of the next sentence) As I was driving home, I listened to the message. It went like this…..

“Hi Liza, it’s Tracy calling from Steve Harvey, we’re premiering in September on NBC…………..”

(Click on image to hear call)

My options; replay message, call message sender back, keep message, delete message

Of course I opted to call message sender back! I was greeted with the following message, “Hello, you have reached the offices of NBC, if you know your parties extension please dial it now…”

I got a little excited since it was actually the NBC Studio that called, so I listened to the message again to get the number Tracy left to return her call. I keyed in the numbers 1.312.xxx.xxxx and a cheery female voice answered.

Voice: “Hello, Tracy with NBC”

Me: “Hi Tracy, this is Liza, I had a missed call from you.”

Tracy: “Liza, hi! Yes, I am working on The Steve Harvey Show and he’s going to be hosting a new reality show on NBC this Fall. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions?”

Me: “Sure!”

Tracy: “It says here that you are single and have children, is this correct?”

Me: “Yes.”

Tracy: “Your oldest is a daughter? It says she’s married.”

Me: “Yes.”

Tracy: “Do you know her husband?”

Me: “Yes.”

Tracy: “Do you like him?”

Me: “Yes, of course!”

Tracy: “Oh ok…. it also says you have an older son.”

Me: “Yes.”

Tracy: “Does he have a girlfriend?”

Me: “Um… yes.”

Tracy: “Have you met her yet?”

Me: “Yes I have.”

Tracy: “Do you like her?”

Me: “Um…. yes! What exactly is this show about?”

Tracy: “Steve Harvey will be playing a father-like figure, and he will decide if your child’s partner is good or not, but we’re looking for a single parent who has not met the partner yet or does not like them.”

Me: “Um… well I guess I don’t qualify.”

Tracy: “Well thank you for your time and we’ll keep you in mind. Have a great day!”

Me: “Thanks, you too! Bye.”

Tracy: “Bye”

Reality TV is scripted MY LIFE…Unscripted


“Tomorrow, you promise yourself, will be different, yet, tomorrow is too often a repetition of today.” ~JTM

Well, I’ve read plenty of sites giving me advice on how to post my first blog….. ask a question, use a controversial statement, rant about something, give a prize, use a quote (the one I chose), interact with your readers, or say something funny, etc…

Yes, I’m a quotes kinda woman. The reason I chose to introduce my blog with this specific quote is plain and simple…. For the past 5 years I’ve been repeating my days over and over as if I were in The Twilight Zone. You know, the episode where the day is repeated over and over and over again!! (Wait didn’t I say that already) Yep that was me, I kept reliving my divorce from a 24 year marriage. I just couldn’t let go.

GUESS WHAT!!!!! I finally let go and wow what a huge weight that has been lifted off my heart. It’s not that I don’t know how to love because I do, unconditionally, I didn’t know when to stop.

So from this day forward I’m not going to stop loving but instead I’m going to start loving who I have become. It was a long hard journey getting here and I’m not saying there may be a few relapses but every day is a new day and there are new adventures to be had. I’m at a point in my life where I no longer have to answer to anyone else nor must I ask permission. This is MY time!

My life is an unscripted picture show that doesn’t have very many commercials and no tickets are required. Come join me in my adventures and watch the transformation right before your eyes. Your participation is more than welcome! Let me know what you’re thinking. Maybe your words of wisdom will become a scene in my life.